- Details
- Category: TTVG Summer Camp
1,营址:St. Benedict Elementary School, 2525 River Mist Rd, Nepean, ON K2J 5Z1
2,时间:2024 年 7 月 3 日至 8 月 2 日,共 5 周。
a. 每天活动时间为:上午 11 点 30 分––下午 5 点 30 分,上午教育局举办的中文课程结后 夏令营活动开始,学生和老师必须在下午 5 点 30 分前离开, 5 点 30 分关闭校门。
b. 各类活动将按照学生兴趣和年龄分组进行,请家长在登记注册时, 说明孩子的兴趣。
a. 标准费用: $150 /周 (第1周 3 天 $90), 连续注册 5 周享受优惠为 $670。
b. 报名截止日期:2024 年 6 月 15 号,截止期后报名教育局额外增收 25 元手续费。
c. 临时加入夏令营,须经夏令营营长同意,每天交费 $40 / 天,每周至少参加 3 天。
d. 付费:在教育局注册信用卡付费,不收现金
教育局网上注册: https://ocsb.ebasefm.com/ programs
Contact: 613-228-3338 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
注 1: 如果取消, 教育局增收$15 手续费/每个学生
注 2: 在教育局网上报名后,请填写此表格并发送 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 用于天天夏令营存档和分班使用。
4, 缺席:如果缺席,恕不退款。
5, 接孩子时间: 家长必须在夏令营每天关营时间下午五点三十分之前将孩子接走。
6, 衣着:孩子衣着必须适合运动,必须准备一套替换衣服。
7, 防晒:孩子必须自备防晒霜和帽子。
8, 午饭和饮料:学生自备,夏令营不提供任何食品和饮料。
9, 特别情况:请家长在注册登记时说明孩子有无特殊健康方面的要求, 如哮喘或者过敏情况。
你的孩子是否有特别的身体情况? 没有, 有(请说明)
出生日期(Date of birth): 年 月 日 性别(Gender):
父亲(Father’s name): 联络电话(Contact #):
母亲(Mother’s name): 联络电话(Contact #):
注册周数: 全部 5 周
第1周 Jul 3 – Jul 5 (3天) 第 2 周 Jul 8 – Jul 12
第 3 周 Jul 15 – Jul 19 第 4 周 Jul 22 – Jul 26 第5 周 Jul 29 – Aug 2
请在有兴趣的项目上画圈。 如果下列项目中没有你孩子有兴趣的项目,请加上供参考。
篮球 足球 手工绘画 书法 中国象棋 音乐(舞蹈,京剧,唱歌等)
TTVG Summer Camp Registration Form
1,Address:St. Benedict Elementary School, 2525 River Mist Rd, Nepean, ON K2J 5Z1
2,Dates:July 3 to August 2, 2024, totaling 5 weeks
a. Daily schedule: 11:30am to 5:30PM, all Campers must leave the school by 5:30pm as it is a mandatory requirement by OCCSB. The TTVG Summer camp start after the OCSB morning international language program.
b. Various activities will be organized according to the interests and age of children. Parents may indicate their children's interests when registering.
3,Fees:The TTVG summer camp registration fees are on a weekly basis.
a. Standard fee: $ 150 / week ($90 for Week 1). For 5 consecutive weeks, a discount applies (Total $670).
b. Registration deadline: June 15, 2024. After the deadline an additional $25 later registration fee applies.
c. Temporarily participation in the summer camp is subject to the consent of the camp leader, paying $ 40 per day, participating at least 3 days a week.
d. Payment: Online register at Education board website, no cash.
Online register: https://ocsb.ebasefm.com/ programs
Contact: 613-228-3338 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note1: If cancel, the education board will charge $15 admin fee per student
Note2: After registration online please fill this form, send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for TTVG summer camp record keeping and class dividing.
4, Absence: No refund will be given for absence.
5, Time to pick up the child: Parents must pick up the child before 5:30pm daily in the summer camp.
6, Clothing: The child's clothing must be suitable for sports, a set of replacement clothes must be prepared.
7, Sun protection: Campers must bring their own sunscreen and hat.
8, Food and Beverage: The campers need to bring their own Food and Beverage.
9, Special circumstances: Parents are requested to indicate whether their child have special health requirement such as asthma or allergies when registering.
Does your child have a special medical condition? NO, YES (please specify)
Name: Gender: Date of birth:year month day
Home Address:
Father’s name: Contact phone#:
Mother’s name: Contact phone #:
Base school /Grade:
Registration weeks: All 5 weeks
Week1 Jul 3 – Jul 5 (3 days) Week2 Jul 8 – Jul 12
Week3 Jul 15 – Jul 19 Week4 Jul 22 – Jul 26 Week5 Jul 29 – Aug 2
Draw circles on the items you are interested in. If none of the items below are of interest to your child,
please add them for reference.
Basketball Soccer Craft Painting Calligraphy Chinese chess Musicals (singing, dance, Chinese Opera)